Legal Solutions
"We must always pxember that law is not to be a tyrant but a servant, not an obstruction but an aid to justice."
-Justice Krishna Iyer

Know More About Us

Head of Chamber
How can we help You ?
Ace Law Chambers is specialized in various fields and can cater to you with the best advice and legal solutions. We provide holistic legal expertise in the following fields :-
Constitutional Law

Protecting the rights of the clients as mandated by our legal framework.


We encompasses advocacy and advisory work across a broad range of civil and commercial areas.


We are specialised in the whole gamut of corporate and commercial dispute resolution services.

Investigation & Trials

We deal with matters related to defamation, economic offences, white collar crimes, bail, appeal and revision cases, cybercrime etc.


We have well-rounded practice of both litigation and non-litigation work in the area of Insolvency and Restructuring.

Intellactual Property Rights

We provides advice on the full suite of Intellectual property issues, from Trademarks, Copyrights, Patents, Industrial Designs etc.

Consumer Law

Our team has solid experience across all consumer forums and helps clients with end-to-end solutions for various consumer matters.

Our team has solid experience across all consumer forums and helps clients with end-to-end solutions for various consumer matters.

Founder's Message

Fermin Apps has collaborated with Landify team for several projects such as Photo Sharing Apps and Custom Social Networking Apps. The experience has been pleasant, professional and exceeding our expectations.

Some Milestone We Have Achieved

A Depiction through Numbers




Cases Completed


Client Satisfaction Rate

Clients Testimonial
Get in Touch Now !
Schedule a personal meeting, so that we can get a better understanding of your required legal issues. We will contact you at the earliest.
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